UPDATE EARTH Foundation recognizes the necessity and importance of protecting personal information as a business operator handling personal information in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information Protection Act" or "the Act"). UPDATE EARTH Foundation has established the following basic policy regarding the protection of personal information and will ensure that all employees are informed about and adhere to this policy to guarantee the protection of personal information.
(1) UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, relevant government guidelines, and all other applicable laws and regulations related to the proper handling of personal information.
(2) UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and use it within the scope of the purposes for which it was publicly announced in advance or notified or clearly indicated at the time of acquisition, except as otherwise provided by law.
(3) UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall appropriately implement secure management, including information security, in handling personal information to prevent loss, tampering, leakage, and similar incidents.
(4) UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall regularly review its management system and initiatives for the protection of personal information, striving for continuous improvement.
UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall announce in advance the purpose of use, joint use, etc. of personal information by posting this policy on this website.
<1> Purpose of use of personal information
(1) Information and provision of various services provided by UPDATE EARTH Foundation
(2) Information Provision through Publications from the UPDATE EARTH Foundation (including newsletters, website, and electronic mail, etc.), and Guidance on Sale and Subscription.
(3) Announcement and Management of Various Seminars and Study Sessions.
(4) UPDATE EARTH Foundation's social contribution activities, such as proposals, statistics, surveys, etc. related to services provided by UPDATE EARTH, and consultation with public organizations, etc.
(5) Answers to various inquiries.
(6) Comprehensive risk management based on the need for legal compliance, quality control, etc.
(7) Provision of personal information to companies using the Services, etc., based on the User's consent or application
(8) Improvement of this service, development and marketing of new service
<2> Joint use of personal information
UPDATE EARTH Foundation may share the personal information it has acquired with the parties listed in "(2) Scope of parties with which personal information is shared" in this policy.
(1) Items that may be shared:
External information:
Name (including employer, affiliation, title, etc. that identify the name), address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, requests, etc.
Matters related to inquiries
Matters related to the provision of services
Internal information (employee information)
Names and other employment and evaluation management information
(2) Scope of joint use:
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited ("DTTL") , member firms of its global network, and their affiliated corporations
Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute, Inc.
(3) Purpose of joint use:
Personal information may be shared only when necessary within the scope of this policy "<1> Purposes of Using Personal Information".
(4) Party responsible for managing joint use:
UPDATE EARTH Foundation, Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co
<3> Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
In principle, the Update Earth Foundation will not provide your data to any third party except when required by law or when it is deemed that consent has been obtained from the individual based upon the law.
Please not that providing personal information to contractors or joint partners does not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party.
The Foundation may entrust a part of its operations and provide personal information to the extent necessary to given contractors. In such cases, the Foundation will take appropriate supervisory measures, including establishing contracts with given contractors regarding the handling of personal information.
UPDATE EARTH Foundation shall strive to maintain personal data accuracy and up-to-date to the extent necessary to fulfil the intended purpose.
UPDATE EARTH Foundation will appropriately address requests for disclosure, correction, etc., or suspension of use of personal data in its possession in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.
(1) Procedure: Please inquire at the reception desk below. We will provide you with specific instructions regarding the process.
(2) Contact point for UPDATE EARTH Foundation: update_earth@tohmatsu.co.jp.
UPDATE EARTH Foundation handles personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and relevant government guidelines.
If you have any complaints, comments or questions regarding UPDATE EARTH Foundation, please contactus.
UPDATE EARTH Foundation reserves the right to revise this policy, in whole or in part, as necessary. Any revisions will be publicly announced by posting the revised policy on this website.